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<P class="post_option"></P> <P></P> <IMG id="data14/2006/3/4/196/113277-jaewanb%281%29.jpg" height="141" src="http://blogfiles5.naver.net/data14/2006/3/4/196/113277-jaewanb%281%29.jpg" width="273"> <P align="center"> </P> <P align="center">The Star Spangled Banner - 미국 국가</P> <P align="center"> </P> <P align="center">Oh, say can you see<BR>by the dawn's early light<BR>What so proudly we<BR>hailed at the twilight's<BR>last gleaming?<BR>Whose broad stripes<BR>and bright stars thru<BR>the perilous fight,<BR>O'er the ramparts we<BR>watched were so<BR>gallantly streaming?<BR>And the rocket's red<BR>glare, the bombs<BR>bursting in air,<BR>Gave proof thru the<BR>night that our flag was<BR>still there.<BR>Oh, say does that<BR>star-spangled banner<BR>yet wave<BR>O'er the land of the<BR>free and the home of the brave?</P> <P align="center">On the shore, dimly<BR>seen through the mists<BR>of the deep,<BR>Where the foe's<BR>haughty host in dread<BR>silence reposes,<BR>What is that which the<BR>breeze, o'er the<BR>towering steep,<BR>As it fitfully blows,<BR>half conceals, half discloses?<BR>Now it catches the<BR>gleam of the morning's<BR>first beam, In full glory reflected<BR>now shines in the stream:<BR>'Tis the star-spangled<BR>banner! Oh long may it wave<BR>O'er the land of the<BR>free and the home of the brave.</P> <P align="center">And where is that<BR>band who so<BR>vauntingly swore<BR>That the havoc of war<BR>and the battle's confusion,<BR>A home and a country<BR>should leave us no more!<BR>Their blood has<BR>washed out of of their<BR>foul footsteps' pollution.<BR>No refuge could save<BR>the hireling and slave'<BR>From the terror of<BR>flight and the gloom of the grave:<BR>And the star-spangled<BR>banner in triumph doth wave<BR>O'er the land of the<BR>free and the home of the brave.</P> <P align="center">Oh! thus be it ever,<BR>when freemen shall stand<BR>Between their loved<BR>home and the war's desolation!<BR>Blest with victory and<BR>peace, may the heav'n rescued land<BR>Praise the Power that<BR>hath made and<BR>preserved us a nation.<BR>Then conquer we<BR>must, when our cause<BR>it is just,<BR>And this be our<BR>motto: "In God is our trust."<BR>And the star-spangled<BR>banner in triumph shall wave<BR>O'er the land of the<BR>free and the home of the brave.</P> <P align="center"> </P> <P class="fil2 dline"></P> <P><BR><BR><BR>동이트는 오늘 새벽에도 <BR>어젯밤 우리가 석양 빛 속에도 <BR>가슴깊이 환호하고 있던 깃발을 <BR>우리는 자랑스럽게 본다.<BR><BR><BR>그누구의 광활한 띠이며 <BR>빛나는 별들이기에 <BR>우리를 감싸는 성조기는 <BR>치열한 전투중 우리가 <BR>사수한 성벽 위에서도 <BR>의연히 나부끼고 있었다. <BR><BR><BR>붉게 타오르며 작렬하는 포화와 <BR>치열한 폭탄 속에서도 <BR>우리의 성조기가 우뚝 서 있음을 <BR>우리는 보았다. <BR><BR><BR>오! 자유의 땅, <BR>용감한 백성의 땅 위에 <BR>성조기는 지금도 <BR>휘날리고 있다.<BR></P>
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